“King of the Adinkra symbols”

Symbol of Greatness

A symbol for authority, leadership, and charisma. It is also a symbol for qualities associated with kings. Adinkrahene is reportedly the inspiration for the design of the other symbols.


This symbol played an inspiring role in designing other symbols and this makes it the greatest among all the symbols – King of all the Adinkra symbols. In Ghana traditional symbolism, God’s appearance, presence and activities are often expressed in terms of or associated with the “circle” which is known to be the symbol of infinity, sanctity or holiness. The symbol is very unique among all other symbols because it is made up of three circles placed orderly, one inside the other, and having the same center (concentric circles).


Moral Value
This symbol urges the need for people to play inspiring, mentorship and leadership roles. This is a symbol of greatness, charisma and leadership.