“Rams horn”

Symbol of Strength

A symbol of strength, humility, wisdom, and learning.


The strength of the ram lies in its horns, once they are plucked off, then it is caught in the trap. The ram is noted for its strength when it is fighting its adversary. It is noted for its persistence in fighting till its opponent gives in, or its horn are broken. Despite the ram’s tenacity, it submit itself to humbly for slaughter. Sheep are used for ceremonies and other sacrificial purposes, because they are considered to be peaceful and innocent animals. The symbol signifies modesty but toughness in the character and nature of people.


Moral Value
The symbol stresses humility in every aspect of life, to learn and acquire knowledge. It discourages people from being arrogant but rather humble themselves in order to accomplish all their endeavors . This is a symbol of humility and strength.