“Go back and get it”

Symbol of Positive Reversion

Sankofa is a symbol of wisdom from the Akan proverb, “Se wo were fi na wosan kofa a yenkyiri,” meaning, “It is not taboo to go back for what you forgot (or left behind).”
The proverb seek to dwell on the wisdom in acquiring knowledge from the past and improving on them.


Sometimes people frown, ignore and neglect their cultural heritage of importance. These traditions have been abandoned for foreign cultures due to the stigma attached to them. Some people however, have recognized the importance of taking up relevant cultures useful for contemporary living. It is believed that progress is based on the right application of positive aspect of the past values.


Moral Value
This symbol teaches the wisdom in learning from the past to help improve the future. It also teaches people to cherish and value their culture and avoid its negative adulteration. This is a symbol of positive reversion and revival.